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“Vital Momentum”, brochure paper, speaker, 2024
Doga Unyaylar's solo exhibition "Vital Momentum" featured her work of the same name, which she created during her 2023 artist residency in Lisbon. For this piece, Ünyaylar collected triangular prism brochures she found while exploring the city and reconstructed
them in her studio. The artist then placed this prism-covered structure over a bass speaker, like a cape. By vibrating the cover at specific frequencies, Ünyaylar transformed the auditory experience, evoking the unexpected shocks and subtle aftereffects of earthquakes in our daily lives. Through this immersive installation, she invites the viewer to hear and notice these deep-seated oscillations.
Sound composition and installation, duration: 10:00 (loop), canvas, 130x100 cm, amplifier, cable
Noise Media Art Fair, OI_Emerge, 2024
Wood Stove Pipe Kite, sound sculpture, Sevket Akıncı & Doga Unyaylar, Bilsart, 2023
Sevket Akıncı and Doga Ünyaylar examine the idea of organizing a hidden and invisible social life within acoustic architecture in the sound sculpture they produced together, inspired by the pipe kit of a wood stove. Sonic perspectives allow for ideas and practices other than the separation and delimitation of social spaces. Walls, floors, ventilation, heating or sewage systems... These are all systems that connect and transform interpersonal relationships rather than separating them. The sound coming from the hole at the bottom of the sculpture and the sound collages obtained as a result of the collision and friction of different everyday objects, distortions, the artists' own voices, create a composition with the change of the sounds they are exposed to, triggering listening procedures, and the artists place the sound sculpture in the pipe kits currently hanging on the ceiling in the building and present it to the visitors. They open new areas of perception.
00:00 / 08:05
00:00 / 02:37
00:00 / 00:57
00:00 / 02:49
In her 'Acousmatic Painting' series, which she started in Austria in 2022, artist DoÄŸa Ünyaylar focuses on the term "acousmatic", whose name means unseen and/or unidentifiable, and the intersections of audiovisual media. In the continuation of the series, Ünyaylar plays brown noise consisting of lower frequency and bass tones than other types of noise through a speaker placed in the centre of a blank canvas. By taking sound recordings from howling winds and river currents, the artist invites the viewer to an experience in which multi-sensory perception is activated simultaneously by considering the extended existence of brown noise within a visual medium.
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