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Walking Under / Above :Sound Walk

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The main idea behind this walk is how passages affect our perception of the city and how they form separate passages in the center of the Linz city. The primary purpose of this walk is walk is to show how our actions change inside and outside the arcades, how we see, hear, walk differently, and what changes occur due to changes in our actions. Our aim is to record the sounds of the city on a route that passes under and outside the passages one after another, and to walk this route with these replayed electro-acoustic sounds, to see the reactions that occur during the journey and what is perceived differently.

May 2022
00:00 / 15:16
Sound Walk in IMÇ
00:00 / 26:39
Urban sounds are a characteristic part of a city’s identity. Artists and researchers have been conducting walks to explore these sounds for years. As an art practice, a sound walk enables performers to focus on listening and broaden their perspectives on the auditory data that urban sounds offer in everyday life.

As Hildegard Westerkamp describes, “a sound walk is any kind of walk whose main purpose is to listen” (1974). In this walk, which will be held as a side event of the “Acousma” exhibition, they carried out a thirty-minute sound walk between the floors of IMÇ 5th block, accompanied by Doga Ünyaylar and Serkan Sevilgen.

October 2023
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